


Stacks of books


Arntz, W., Vicente, M., Chasse, B. (2004) What the Bleep do we know? (USA)[Veiwed November 11, 2013]

Geller, S.M. (2013). Therapeutic Presence: an essential way of being. In Cooper, M., Schmid, P.F., O’Hara, M., & Bohart, A. C. (Eds.). The Handbook of Person-Centred Psychotherapy and Counselling (2nd ed.), pp. 209-222. Basingstoke: Palgrave. [Reproduced with permission of Palgrave Macmillan.] Downloaded Oct. 16, 2013.

Geller, S.M. (2013). Therapeutic presence as a foundation for relational depth. In Knox, R., Murphy, D., Wiggins, S., & Cooper, M. (Eds.)., Relational depth: new perspectives and developments. Basingstoke: Palgrave. (pp. 175-184).   [Reproduced with permission of Palgrave Macmillan.] Downloaded Oct. 16, 2013.

Geller, S. M. & Greenberg, L. S. (2012) Therapeutic Presence: a mindfulness approach to effective therapy. Washington, D. C.: American Psychological Association.

Hanson, R. & Mendius, R. (2009). The Practical Neuroscience of Buddha’s Brain: happiness, love and wisdom. Oakland, Ca.: New Harbinger Publications.

Jung, C. (1972). Synchronicity: an acausal connection principle. London: Routledge and Kegan.

La Torre, M.A. (2002). Intergrated perspectives: enhancing therapeutic presence. Perspective in Psychiatric Care. Jan-Mar 2002; Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 34 [downloaded Dec. 16, 2013]

Liechty, D. (2000). Touching mortality, touching strength: clinical work with dying patients. Journal of Religion and Health. Vol. 39, No. 3. [downloaded Dec. 12, 2013]

McCollum, E. E., & Gehart, D. R. (2010). Using Mindfulness Meditation to Teach Beginning Therapists Therapeutic Presence: a qualitative study. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 347 -360. Doi: 10.1111/j.1752-0606.2010.00214.x

Mondanaro, J. (Personal communication, November 1, 2013). Music therapist and clinical director of Louis and Lucille Armstrong MT Program, Beth Israel Hospital.

Pivnick, B.A. (1998). Wriggles, squiggles and words: from expression to meaning in early childhood and psychotherapy. In Robbins, A. (ed.). Therapeutic Presence: bridging expression and form. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. (pg. 39-86).

Popkins, K. (Personal communication, October 23, 2013) Music therapist at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Institute.

Rakel, D., Fortney, L., Sierpina, V.S. & Dreitzer, M.J. (2011). Mindfulness in medicine: innovations in integrative healthcare education. Explore. Vol.7, No. 2. [downloaded Dec. 12, 2013]

Robbins, Arthur (ed.). (1998).Therapeutic Presence: bridging expression and form. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Robbins, A.& Robbins-Milne, L (1998). The Therapist as nanny. In Robbins, A. (ed.). Therapeutic Presence: bridging expression and form. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. (pg. 107-120).

Robbins, M. (1998). Therapeutic presence in holistic psychotherapy. Robbins, A. (ed.). Therapeutic Presence: bridging expression and form. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.(pp. 53–181)

Robbins, S. (1998). The healer as therapist. In Robbins, A. (ed.). Therapeutic Presence: bridging expression and form. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. (pp. 121-141)

Scheiby, B.B. (1998). Listening to the music of the unconscious: using countertransference as a compass in Analytical Music Therapy. In Robbins, A. (ed.).Therapeutic Presence: bridging expression and form. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. (pg. 185-203).

Scurlock-Durana, S. (2003). Developing Therapeutic Presence. In Carlson, J. (ed.). Complementary therapies and wellness: Practice Essentials for Holistic Health Care. (Chapter 7)

Weinberg, S. (Personal communication, November 13, 2013)   Psychotherapist and co-founder of New York Insight Meditation Center.